Saturday, August 6, 2011

Update #1

Monday, August 1st
After an overnight flight from Houston, the team reached Caracas early Monday morning. Our in-country guide and trip planner Olga was there waiting for us as we cleared customs. After a brief reunion and introductions we gathered our luggage and walked to the in-country terminal. We grabbed a quick breakfast before boarding our next flight to Puerto Ordaz in eastern Venezuela.
After a brief rest we held an evening  seminar for members of the Lutheran church in Puerto Ordaz – it was well attended and the participation of all who attended was great. While our accommodations are spartan we were all ready to get to bed after a very long day.

Tuesday and Wednesday, August 2nd and 3rd
The team traveled one hour to a Lutheran church in rural Venezuela where we had 65-70 children attend VBS. After lessons and crafts with the children in the morning we held a class for adults in the afternoon on Philippians as well as conflict resolution.  The children sang songs and danced at a closing ceremony – a real demonstration of the love that flows among the members of the church. What a joy it was for us to be a part of this church family!

Thursday and Friday, August 4th and 5th
For the past 9 months members of a local Lutheran church have been praying for signs of encouragement after their pastor left to start a non-denominational church.  They believe that the team from Woodbury has been an answer to their prayers and were so grateful that we came to spend time with them and to teach both the children and the adults. We again held morning VBS for the children and afternoon classes for the adults.
The area has been without electricity for the past two days making it difficult for the women of the church to prepare meals. However, even without power the food has been so good – we have had a marvelous opportunity to enjoy some of the native foods prepared for us. No power means no air conditioning so sleeping has been difficult but the team remains strong – bolstered not only by the prayers back home but also by the love of their brothers and sisters in Venezuela.

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